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A Different Approach

By June 28, 2024Coaching, People, Team

I’m on the road this week, bouncing around the Pacific Northwest doing my thing and helping clients set up for success in the 2nd half of 2024.

My clients using Metronomics are evolving rapidly. With our system of swimlanes and sprintlanes, things can move fast. It is so fast that on several occasions this week, we have had to dig deep and make some pivots to ensure they are staying on track, and they are.

In a session earlier in the week, the conversations reached a point where we needed a change in dynamic. Looking outside, we saw the beautiful Pacific Northwest blue sky and sunshine, so we moved the meeting outside. We found the perfect spot on the upper balcony of the hotel where we were working in Spokane.

The client loved it. The conversation took a positive turn; we had the necessary discussions, and this client is set up very well for the back half of the year.

Sometimes, you need to change things up. Don’t be afraid to get out from behind your desk or your Zoom screen and get outside. The conversations will be richer, the air will be fresh, and the ideas will flow. Trust me.

If you’d like to get outside with some PostIt Notes and flip chart paper, please message me. We’d love to help.

Coach Keith

#businesscoaching #strategy #pnw #getoutside