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Work Hard, Play Hard

By July 16, 2024Coaching, Strategy, Team

Here at Keith Upkes Coaching, we really DO what we tell our clients TO DO. Once monthly, we stop the work and take time to reflect on our progress for the quarter.

We measure ourselves not against our future goals but rather reflect on our progress from the start of the quarter.

You see, to build momentum and velocity towards our future self (Goals), we must reflect upon how far we have come from the start of the quarter. As Benjamin Hardy, PhD, taught us in his best-selling book, ‘The Gap and the Gain,’ we must keep our mindset in a positive direction: abundance. To do that, we always measure our progress against the past, not the future. We help our clients do that, and we do it too. That is why our clients are Winning, and so are we.

Take time now to reflect on your and your team’s progress this quarter and stay in the “Gain.” Then, go out to lunch with your team to relax and celebrate, just like in this photograph.

Coach Keith

#businesscoaching #workhardplayhard #gains #abundance