Time to Reconnect with Routine…
The kids are back in school, and most of you have exhausted your summer travel and are walking back into your office after the summer break.
It’s easy to just slide in and slowwwllllyyy move back into work mode.
There is still 25% of the year left, and you have a huge opportunity to finish 2024 strong. Don’t miss this opportunity.
Here are the key steps you should take this week to reconnect with your work, your team, your annual plan, your strategy… reconnect with your routine.
✅Re-establish your daily huddle routine – Daily huddles are essential to cohesive, aligned teams.
✅Re-establish your weekly leadership team meetings. These are key to execution, solving big challenges… and taking advantage of new opportunities.
✅Check your financial measures. How are Revenue, Margin, and expenses? How is cash flow?
✅Check your team’s progress on your quarterly and annual priorities. Are they still the right priorities?
✅Re-establish your morning routine. Reading, journaling, and meditation are all good ways to put yourself in the abundant mindset for the day.
✅How is your health and exercise? Did you fall into some bad habits this summer? Get out and walk, run, etc. There is still plenty of sunshine and fresh air to be had.
✅Re-engage with your team. Check-in on each of your leadership team members. Re-establish the 1 on 1’s. Be sure to ask them about their summer. Remember the 1 on 1 is for them, not you.
✅Lastly… make sure you have your Q-4 planning session scheduled for September. Whether you work with a coach or not, this is vitally important to re-establish clarity of vision and goals and to ensure your team is aligned on the most important things to finish the year strong.
If you would like to discuss the planning process or how Metronomics can help, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would love to talk with you.
Coach Keith
#businesscoaching #strategy #leadership #routine #metronomics