Keep pursuing your goals!
Fall is in the air…
It’s football season. We’re spending more time in front of the TV watching games.
The holidays are around the corner. We’re talking about the holidays in our house, and maybe you are, too.
It is easy to hunker down and coast through the remainder of the year.
While it may seem like the year is almost over, the truth is that Q-4 just started.
I was talking with a client last week, and they mentioned that they were short of their revenue target through Q-3. They were already talking about the year coming in short and giving up on the annual target.
I reminded them that they still had 25% of the year to execute that goal. I challenged them not to give up on their company’s future and settle for coming in short. Upon further reflection and discussion, we built a plan to get them back on target. They built their Q-4 Sprint Lanes, and they again believe they can achieve their goals.
Wherever you are on your 2024 goals, keep going. There is still time to execute, gain momentum, and finish the year strong.
If you need help building sprint lanes for your company to finish strong, let us know. We’re here to help.
Coach Keith
#businesscoaching #strategy #planning #sprintlanes #goals