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How do you conduct your quarterly planning?

How do you conduct your quarterly planning? Maybe the bigger question is whether you do quarterly planning at all.

The key to high-performing teams is great execution. Great execution can only be achieved with clarity on the organization’s goals.

I have worked with hundreds of organizations over the last 20 years. The one thing that stands out among those who are successful is that they meet quarterly to set direction and clarity for the coming 13 weeks.

The keys to a successful session are the following:

✅Get offsite in a neutral place so the team can focus. It could be across the street from the office or thousands of miles away at a sunny location. I have done both and everything in between.
✅Bring your core leadership team with you.
✅Invite open and constructive dialogue and conversation.
✅Use a proven process to get the most out of the session.
✅All team members have a voice and a say. Build the plan from the bottom up, not the top down.
✅Team members readily volunteer for accountability of your plan.
✅Walk out of the room with your key metric targets, Top 5 company priorities, and each team member’s functional priorities mapped out in the 13-week sprint lane.

Then, stand back and watch the plan unfold.

Please send me a message if you would like a copy of a sample agenda.

#metronomics #businesscoaching #leadership #strategy #quarterlyplanning