Start with a dream
Strategy starts with a dream that becomes a 10-30 year goal. Why do so many companies not achieve their dream? It is because most companies are good at identifying their next years’ goals. The challenge is bridging between their next years’ goals and that 10-30 year goal. There is a BIG valley of death in between. To successfully cross that valley of death you need a bridge. That bridge is the 3HAG Way.
There has been a lot of anticipation around this new concept. This concept was conceived by my friend and colleague Shannon Susko. Being curious, last week I was in Vancouver to preview the new strategic concept called The 3HAG Way. The 3HAG Way is the strategic bridge I have been looking for to use in my coaching practice to help companies build a solid strategy to successfully grow and achieve their vision.
The 3HAG Way is the strategic execution system that ensures your strategy is NOT a Wild-Ass-Guess!
6 key elements of 3HAG Way to bridge your strategy from 1 year to 10 year
The Map – The internal and external relationship map
Core Customer – Who is your “who”?
Attribution Map – What does your core customer expect from you?
Differentiating actions – 3-5 things that create your unique and valuable position
Swimlanes – Do you know where you are going and when
36-month rolling “forecast” (not budget) – Keep rolling it forward
If you want to make sure your strategy is NOT a “wild-ass-guess and you want to achieve your goals the 3HAG Way is the bridge that will get you there.
What challenges are you facing in your business? I would love to hear about it, leave a reply below.
For more tips on scaling your business and driving cash flow read my recent posts.